6 Ways To Use Your Business To Support Your Community
We here at CopperHeart are big believers in using your gifts for GOOD, especially when it comes to your community. They're often our biggest supporters when establishing a business, so we feel it's so important to find ways to give back! Here are 6 simple ways to use your business to support your community:
1. Speaking at Events
No matter what your business, you have something to share and something teach. Look for opportunities to offer your expertise at local events or teaching workshops! Amber recently spoke at the Side Hustle Workshop for Called Collective pouring into green entrepreneurs. Get creative and think about what wisdom you have to offer.
2. Hosting Events
This takes a bit more planning (and work) but it's so worth it. Create a space that takes what your business does and bring it to the next level. Amber did this through last weekend's Fill Your Cup Conference! She also hosts a weekly wine night for women in her circle. Keep it simple to start!
3. Volunteering at Events
This is one of our favorite ways to invest in our community. Be intentional about finding ways to serve with your team throughout the year. Not only is it always a rewarding activity, it also gives you an opportunity to meet some amazing people.
4. Sponsoring Events
We love how sponsoring is empowering! By sponsoring an event or individual, you empower others to do what you can't do alone! For example, last year we sponsored the YMCA After Breast Cancer in honor of our client, Teresa White Coaching. It was such a beautiful time of celebrating her victory over breast cancer and supporting our community.
5. 1-on-1 Consulting
Not everyone needs your services, but many might need your advice. Opening some time on your calendar for consulting will open doors for connections and serving others. Amber does this through her mentorship program, and it's been such a meaningful way to give back, learn from, and empower others!
6. Offer Freebies Online
This one is self-explanatory! Find free ways to share your knowledge. This could be in the form of a pdf, resource, or #TuesdayTips. ๐ Find what works for you and then make it RAIN!
We'd love to hear how YOU are supporting your community! Join the conversation on our recent Instagram post here.